Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Count Your Blessings

Every now and then, you come across a tragic story in the news that you can't help but shed quiet tears and say a small prayer.

Three days ago, a 31 year old father along with his two children, (Girl 5 and Boy 2) were killed instantly in a car accident. His wife was not with them as she had to work. Three precious lives had ended so early and tragically. My heart breaks for the woman that lost her whole family in an instant.

It makes me stop and think about my own family. Everyday we rush around going to work, school, and errands. I'm constantly frazzled and annoyed. I don't take the time to savour the moment anymore. It's a shame that it took a tragic story to realize that these wonderful moments can be taken away from me at anytime.

Please take the time to say "I love you" everyday, linger a little longer on those hugs, and shower everyone in your family with kisses every chance you get. You never know when it would be your last.

3 comments on "Count Your Blessings"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder of what really matters in our short time on earth.

theresa on February 18, 2009 at 11:31 AM said...

So well said. Ditto and thanks.

Anonymous said...

That story really struck me as well. Reading this entry reminded me to go and give my DD and DH a kiss today and tell them that I love them.

- Agnes (aka SP13)


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