Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first Golding

Ok, so I've been spinning for a year now and learned on my wheel. I have about 3-4 spindles but don't quite know how to spin in them. However, lately I've been drooling over a several Golding Spindles. I've heard that they are the Cadillac of all spindle and I have always wanted to use a spindle for a more luxuriosus fibers.

Well, I finally caved and bought a beautiful Cherry Midnight Sun Golding.

2 comments on "My first Golding"

Lara on March 7, 2010 at 11:38 AM said...

Your Golding looks beautiful! A long-time wheel spinner that I know just got 2 of their ring-spindles & can't get over the improvements she's seen in her spindling.

I love my Tsunami, and would love to see your lovely in action!

The Knitty Gritty Homestead on June 12, 2010 at 8:33 PM said...

Oh, wow...I didn't even know they made such beautiful spindles! Makes me think of what Rumpelstiltskin might have used to turn straw into gold! It's gorgeous. And here someone told me to just stick a knitting needle through an apple to make my own spindle...huh!!!


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