Friday, December 3, 2010


Last week I have elected to get my turbinate reduce. Basically, it's an out-patient surgery on my nasal passage to reduce the enlarge turbinate so I may breathe properly. I think hubby is getting sick of having to nudge me alive now and again during the night when I stop breathing. Either that or he just want to get my wicked snoring habit under control.
I figure that I will be in and out and move on with my life. You know, like laser eye surgery. However, I think I had recovered from a C-section easier. For the past 9 days, I have been stuffing tissues up my nose to try to control the dripping, I feel like there's a balloon inside my brain that keeps inflating and won't stop. The good Doc had prescribed some fun meds for me...... the pain is still there but now I just don't care as much.

I've been home for several days now and have been attempting to work from home. Of course, my current house situation does not lends itself well to a working environment. Sitting in bed with my laptop spread out and hunching over to type wasn't really working for me. I also found that I was starting to have a personal relationship with my fridge, so I need to get out.

Here I am..... courtesy of Starbucks's complimentary Wifi.

and alll I can think of the whole time I'm there is how much I want to go back to bed.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Ever since I've been active in Ravelry, my poor lonely blog had been neglected. It doesn't help that for the last 7 months, I have been undergoing a huge home renovation. Slowly the house is coming along but I urge anyone to stock up on chocolates and vodkas for coping purposes before embarking on such a huge undertaking.

This morning, I'd sent my two little muchkins to school in their respective Halloween costume.

I know, very crappy lighting, resulting in crappy picture. But you get the drift.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first Golding

Ok, so I've been spinning for a year now and learned on my wheel. I have about 3-4 spindles but don't quite know how to spin in them. However, lately I've been drooling over a several Golding Spindles. I've heard that they are the Cadillac of all spindle and I have always wanted to use a spindle for a more luxuriosus fibers.

Well, I finally caved and bought a beautiful Cherry Midnight Sun Golding.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A friend to sow my wild oats with

Have you ever had a childhood friend that you did everything with?

I once had a friend whom I met in 8th grade. We became fast friends and did everything together through out high school. All the bad things - that is. Countless school days have been skipped together just so we can go to the mall to try on clothes, or stay home to watch TV.

She was the friend whom I snuck out of the house with to go to an underground rave club at 15. She was the one to suggest that we hang out at Dunkin Donut at 2am to smoke ciggies and over-dose ourselves on bad coffees. She was the person that I tried shop-lifting with.

Also, she was the hot-headed friend who always seems to manage to pissed some bully off at a club which would ended up with either her or both of us getting kicked out of that particular club but a mean looking bouncer.

We would sit and talk about all of our current boyfriends and cry over each other’s several pregnancy scares. She was the one who had taught me that high heels and a really short skirt can go a long way to getting what you want.

She was the sort of friend who was so cool that every parent cringed when they see their young teenage daughter becoming fast friends with. All in all, she was the friend who taught me what it is to be confidence, how to have fun, how to laugh and how to throw caution to the wind.

She was always the cooler one. She was super cute, with a great figure and great taste in clothes. Men would flock to her and totally ignore me if we were together. She was very tough and knows what she wanted in life. However, under that tough shell, there lays a very vulnerable girl. I think my understanding of that vulnerability has what made us good friends.

After high school, we both attended some community college classes. I ended up getting a transferred to Assumption University in Thailand and she ended up moving to California to pursue a career in fashion marketing.

As this was before the wide usage of the internet and emails, we lost touched. I started my career in Hotel Managements and stayed near my hometown until I married my Canadian husband 7 years ago and moved to Canada.

Every so often, I have tried Googling her but never seem to be able to come up with anything. Then yesterday, Google came up with her husband’s web-site and there she was! I found out that she is still living in California with her husband and toddler with another baby on the way.

With the power of the internet, we finally connected and I look forward to catching up with her after 15 years!

Friendship never dies!!!

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